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    Thursday, February 6, 2020

    Pokémon TCG Tip: Please do not use PTCGOGuide.com to determine current card values. Try to learn how to research.

    Pokémon TCG Tip: Please do not use PTCGOGuide.com to determine current card values. Try to learn how to research.

    Tip: Please do not use PTCGOGuide.com to determine current card values. Try to learn how to research.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:08 AM PST

    /u/OU7C4ST's website used to be the place to go to when you needed a quick, relatively reliable source on card values in PTCGO. Now, I'll be the first to say I understand that it was definitely in their best interest to step away from such a massive undertaking that they probably weren't seeing any real physical benefit from other than the occasional nice words from the community. (And maybe not-so-nice since some people are awful.) When it shut down, PTCGOGuide.com stepped in to try and provide a similar service to the community.

    Unfortunately, as of 2/5/20, that website has not seen an update since New Year's Day. Yet, I still see people refer to that guide on this subreddit. Please, until this website sees a steady stream of reliable updates, do not rely on it for all your trading purposes. Again, similarly to /u/OU7C4ST, this type of project is a massive responsibility to keep up with, so I do not personally blame Ben Alexander for tentatively stepping away either.

    That said, I want to try to help this community out by educating on how to research prices yourself. I'm no PTCGO trading mogul by any means, but I've learned how to get a fair market price for my cards and packs. All it takes is a little bit of working the filters.

    This is the default trade screen. We're going to start by unchecking "Acceptable Trades Only". Now, we need a card to research. Let's use the ever-popular Stellar Wish Jirachi as an example. Let's say we aren't interested in the promo version. First, let's find the card set & number. A quick search on a website like LimitlessTCG.com shows that the card we're after is card #99 in the set Team Up. So we are going to click on the drop-down menu that says "Cards", click on "Cards" again, and access the "Card Filters" menu.

    In the "Trading" box, check "I Am Getting". In the "Expansion" box, scroll down to "Sun & Moon-Team Up" and check that, and then in the "Collection Number" text box, enter 99. It should look like this screenshot here. When we click apply, we should see plenty of offers available for a Team Up Jirachi. As you scroll down, you're looking for the lowest amount of packs in the "I Am Giving" section for a single copy of Jirachi in the "I Am Getting" section. As of right now, I am seeing a couple of trade offers of 25 Cosmic Eclipse packs for a single copy of Jirachi. One of them has 5h 17m remaining, meaning the trade offer has been up for a minimum of 2h 43. With this being the cheapest offer and no one snapping it up, it seems like 25 Cosmic Eclipse packs is a good ceiling for Jirachi TEU 99.

    Now, click on the "Cards" dropdown again and access the Card Filters Screen again. Uncheck "I Am Getting" and check "I Am Giving". Click Apply again and now you'll see a handful of offers where people are trying to get a Jirachi TEU 99. This part is a bit more annoying because there are a lot of people who make absolutely ludicrous offers to try and scam you. Basically, you're looking for the highest paying offers that are legit. Inspect any trade that looks good. Just because it says "Sun & Moon-Cosmic Eclipse + 29 More" does not mean you're getting 30 packs of Cosmic Eclipse. PAY ATTENTION. I'm finding a good number of people who are offering 23 Cosmic Eclipse packs for Jirachi, the oldest of which is at 2h 35 remaining. Seems like this is a good floor, since we're not seeing any offers of 24 packs stick around.

    Chances are you've already figured out what the market price is, but if you need a bit more, then read on. To find a good market value, just take the average of the ceiling and the floor. With a ceiling of 25 packs and a floor of 23, it's pretty easy to figure out that the current market value is 24 packs of Cosmic Eclipse. On more popular cards, it's very common to see a one pack difference between the market value on the ceiling and the floor. But on less popular cards, the gap may be a bit wider. The process is pretty much the same, no matter what card you're looking for. That said, if you're looking for cards that no one is trading at the moment, you hold the market on that card. Offer what you think is fair. Feel free to use the price of the physical card and compare it to other cards around that price range. Chances are, you can get unpopular cards for pretty cheap.

    As for pack values, I can tell you right now that Cosmic Eclipse is not equivalent to Unbroken Bonds in value like the PTCGOGuide states. To find pack values, I find it best to follow the same steps for finding market values on popular cards. For example, people are willing to trade their Dedenne-GX UNB 57 for 32 Unbroken Bonds packs and the cheapest I'm seeing for Cosmic Eclipse is 40 packs. 32 divided by 40 tells us that some people are viewing Cosmic Eclipse packs to be worth 0.8 packs of Unbroken Bonds. Keep in mind that packs from the newest set are almost always the most traded packs, so it is probably more accurate to say that UNB packs are worth 40/32 or 1.25 times as much as a single pack of CEC. It's a good idea to check other popular cards to see if this ratio stays roughly the same.

    Alright, I hope I was able to help at least some of you out with my long post. In my opinion, it's always in your best interest to research values and create your own trades to make sure you get the best prices. It's okay to occasionally try to work the ceiling for an extra pack or two if you don't mind risking your tokens and waiting on your trades a good bit longer. Saving a pack doesn't seem like a big deal but if you save a pack 60 times, then that's 60 more packs you can trade with. Feel free to check the Acceptable Trade listings from time to time to see if you can scoop up a good deal, but learning how to properly trade is the best way to build your collection and not get ripped off in the process.

    Edit: I would like to add that guides do have their usefulness. They are still a fairly reliable source for values on less fluidly traded cards. If the cards don't get listed that often, the shift is usually a lot less dramatic. And they do help people avoid being outrageously scammed for their rare cards. I hope to never see PTCGOGuide.com (or at least a similar service) completely disappear, I just want to increase the education on how to properly value your cards using the most current information available to you.

    submitted by /u/dragonbornrito
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    i've met a lot of nice people here and have had my fair share of free card packs from giveaways on here, so now i'm doing my own small giveaway

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 03:13 AM PST

    Just write a pokemon haiku or poem and i'll send you a code

    I only have 5 so I will update when they are all gone

    They are sword & shield codes, I hope a pack will make someone happy like when I got free codes here :)

    edit: ALL GONE

    thank you for your poems

    submitted by /u/tzgnilki
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    First Dragon Exalted Pack from the Versus Ladder lol

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 06:11 AM PST

    What cards should I get for Sword and shield release

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 04:15 AM PST

    So I'm planning on having around 20-45 packs depending on what $60 can get me. And I was wondering how should I use those packs and their inflated value to get staples like Marnie and Quick ball to build out my Sword and Shield card list as efficiently as possible? I want a ply set of mostly all the trainers and all of the interesting Pokémon like Zizagoon and Stonejourner

    submitted by /u/SavageTech2
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    Can someone explain the point of GX

    Posted: 06 Feb 2020 02:45 AM PST

    Ex was fine... The GX cards function the same why change the name like they are vastly different? Was there a point??

    submitted by /u/boneman1522
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    Returning Player from early Sun/Moon

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:16 PM PST

    So I am jumping back into the game after being gone for a long time. I used to do a lot of trades back when Guardians Rising was the main currency.

    I was hoping to get some advice on how to jump back into the trade economy? What the currency is now, etc.

    I still have about 40 tradeable guardians rising packs and about 45 other packs that I'm not really sure what to do with. I have lots of old tradeable exes and some gxes

    Also, is there a good budget deck I should be shooting for? It seems like a lot of my decks are outclassed now with tag teams having such high hp stats


    submitted by /u/seethroughcrew
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    New update available to fix Mac freezing on launch problem.

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:43 AM PST

    Just posted 45 minutes ago on the game forums, PTCGO has a minor update to 2.69.0 that should resolve the issue that a bunch of us were having where it would freeze without opening. If you're hitting that issue, try uninstalling and deleting all files, and then re-installing the latest version.

    submitted by /u/HeyIJustLurkHere
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    Durant Mill/supporter rule

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 11:17 AM PST

    So Durant Mill is one of those decks that I feel greatly dislikes the new supporter rule. If you end up with just one Durant after turn one because you cant play a supporter, the likelihood of losing immediately is high. Even if you find a ball, you might be well behind if you get knocked out.

    How do you other mill players plan to deck build around this?

    submitted by /u/A10airknight
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    Best cards to trade for in Sword & Shield?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:34 AM PST

    I was planning to use the inflated prices of SwSh packs on launch day to get useful cards, preferably ones that can be used in many decks, and/or ones that will be in high enough demand to make a profit, with more emphasis on the latter. Any ideas as to what to get, and when and how much to buy & sell? (For reference I have ~6 SwSh packs, so I am hoping to build my collection

    submitted by /u/Phantomeep
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    Building decks?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:13 PM PST

    So, I'm working on building a few decks, and I'm trying to make one a mix between Mental Might and Relentless Flame.

    I was gonna use the Ralts line, the Nido line, and either the Ponyta or Charmander line.

    My questions for that particular deck are (1) which fire type line would you use, and (2), what trainer cards would be best to use with this deck?

    For other decks, I just want to know what your favorite or basic deck build looks like.

    Any help is greatly appreciated!

    submitted by /u/LadybugAndChatNoir
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    Great Ball in Standard?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 10:41 AM PST

    I noticed that when I filter for cards in standard format, that Great Ball is shown. This must be a bug because it's expanded, and the deck goes to the expanded list when I save the deck.

    submitted by /u/Greevar
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    1st player no longer able to use supporter cards on first turn?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 04:05 PM PST

    Maybe it's just a glitch but it's happened nearly 10 times now

    submitted by /u/JoshJoshson13
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    Need a Jirachi!!

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 06:12 PM PST

    Need a Jirachi!! I have tons of Pokemon available for trade....But I just can't seem to pull a Jirachi from TEAM UP....PLEASE HELP!

    submitted by /u/GaryJr530
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    Is ptcgo working?

    Posted: 05 Feb 2020 09:59 AM PST

    I have been trying to open ptcgo on my mac and its not opening today? I have tried everything from unistalling and reinstalling but nothing... even tried opening it tru the terminal

    submitted by /u/javilonatik
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