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    Thursday, June 25, 2020

    Pokémon TCG 1000 Theme Versus data (May 2020)

    Pokémon TCG 1000 Theme Versus data (May 2020)

    1000 Theme Versus data (May 2020)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    New Player Guide (Part 3: Type Profiles) - Water

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Hiya, I'm Hyla! In this segment of the New Player Guide, I'm highlighting cards for each Pokémon Type, keeping in mind the 2020 Rotation. If you're new, you may want to check out some of the previous posts:

    Theme Deck Guide

    Token / Pack Guide

    Type Profile: Darkness

    Type Profile: Grass

    As always, let's start by seeing what TPCi says about Water Pokémon in the official rulebook:

    Water-type Pokémon can manipulate Energy and move Pokémon around on the other team.

    This is fairly accurate! Water Type Pokémon's iconic archetype dates all the way back to Base Set, with Rain Dance Blastoise. Additionally, the recent Intelleon VMAX can return opponent's Energy to their hand. In terms of moving opponent's Pokémon around, we have Phione and Volcanion Prism Star, though we lose Volcanion to the rotation.

    Part 1: Water Support

    Capacious Bucket adds two energy to your hand, perfect for Water types!

    Similarly, Misty & Lorelei can get three, for the cost of your Supporter. It also has a secondary effect that lets you use another GX attack, so try it out if you find yourself running water-type GX Pokémon!

    Misty's Water Command is a bit more situational, offering support for a specific subset of Water Pokémon. It's probably not very good, but it looks cool!

    Lastly, we have Frosmoth, whose Ice Dance ability is the latest incarnation of energy acceleration. Typically, these effects have been seen on Blastoise cards, so getting it on a Stage 1 is a nice buff! However, keep in mind that Frosmoth can only attach to Benched Pokémon.

    Part 2: Deck Spotlight - Rain Dance

    Most Water decks can benefit from Frosmoth's effect, but a true Rain Dance deck have attacks with a specific effect: they deal more damage based on the number of attached Water energy. Note that starting from this guide, I won't be explaining the inclusion of universal staple cards we've previously discussed, such as Boss's Orders or Switch, unless it has an extra use in the deck it wouldn't in others. And, as always, these are meant to be rough drafts used for example rather than a refined and tested list.

    Pokémon (15)

    • 3 Lapras V is a passable attacker even without going into its VMAX form, as long as you have Frosmoth around to power it up.

    • 2 Lapras VMAX is the main attacker, dealing 180 damage for 3 Energy and scaling from there. Theoretically, it can KO any Pokémon in one hit, though the odds of htiting 300+ damage are fairly small and quite the large commitment.

    • 1 Keldeo V is a weaker version of Lapras VMAX, but comes with a key upside: being a Basic Pokémon. Without the need to Evolve, you can make use of Keldeo V immediately when it comes into play, as long as you have Frosmoth and some Water Energy around. While the loss of power is noticeable, it can still be helpful mid-game to pick up a KO on an opponent's support Pokémon when paired with Boss's Orders. Additionally, be aware of its status as a 2-prize Pokémon. Putting it in between 2 Lapras VMAX means they have to take another KO to win the game, but putting them down to 1 prize threatens a Boss's Order on your Frosmoth to close things out.

    • 3 Snom

    • 3 Frosmoth Makes it rain! ...or hail?

    • 2 Dedenne GX In this deck, our hand naturally remains small due to the ability to put all Energy into play instantly combining with low counts of both Pokémon and Supporters. With few cards we need to worry about discarding, we can safely play this over Crobat V. Just be careful against decks that might be running Cramorant V.

    • 1 Zacian V With multiple evolutions and no way to cheat them out early (ala Super Growth), and with attacks that exclusively rely on setting up Frosmoth, this deck doesn't do much the first turn. In a deck like that, you want a copy of Zacian V, allowing you to draw three extra cards.

    Trainer (32)

    • 4 Professor's Research

    • 2 Marnie

    • 2 Boss's Orders

    • 4 Capacious Bucket - As previously discussed, it brings 2 Energy to hand, allowing us to

    • 2 Viridian Forest Is an additional way to boost your damage each turny, while also offering a way to remove the opponent's Stadium.

    • 4 Quick Ball

    • 2 Pokémon Communication

    • 2 Evolution Incense In previous profiles, we had a large count of Pokémon, which meant Pokémon Communication and Quick Ball were probably enough to get us whatever we wanted. However, with this deck running just 15, we may not have any Pokémon in hand after benching a Lapras, a Snom, and a support Pokémon. Evolution Incense gives us another way to get the pieces we need into our hands, and can combo with Pokémon Communication to get basics if you need one.

    • 2 Switch

    • 2 Air Balloon As Ice Dance cannot attach to Zacian V, there's a chance the opponent will use Boss's Orders to strand Zacian V into the Active Slot. Air Balloon lets us get outta there.

    • 2 Energy Retrieval With Lapras VMAX often wanting 6+ Energy attached to pick up a OHKO, losing one will put us down significantly on energy. Energy Retrieval gets the Energy back into our hand, allowing us to immediately power up our next attacker with Frosmoth.

    • 1 Ordinary Rod Due to the inclusion of Dedenne and Professor's Research as our draw engine, we may have to discard an Evolution Pokémon we need to be able to search out later. As an added bonus, we can put 2 Energy back into the deck, allowing us to search them out with Capacious Bucket.

    • 2 Reset Stamp

    • 1 Vitality Band brings Lapras V and 4-Energy Lapras VMAX to 220, allowing it to OHKO opposing Zacian V. It also allows a 6-Energy Lapras VMAX to hit 280, OHKOing Arceus & Dialga & Palkia GX.

    Energy (13)

    • 13 Water Energy - You may wish to include a Weakness Guard Energy if you play against Lightning decks frequently, but every energy that isn't Water lowers your damage cap.

    Playing this deck is fairly straightforward! On the first turn, try to set up your bench with Snom, Lapras V, and Zacian V (to use Intrepid Sword). If you are worried about a Boss's Orders, you can put down a second Snom. If you're worried about them being able to KO Lapras V, try to put down a second one. But, remember that you only get 5 bench slots, and you'll need at least one open if you want to use Dedenne GX.

    On turn two, evolve into Lapras VMAX and Frosmoth. Use as much searching and drawing as you can to power up Lapras VMAX and take a KO. (You'll also want to find a Switch or Air Balloon to help Lapras get in). If you can, try to start preparing your second Lapras V, and ride the wave to victory!

    Note: Try to save Keldeo V until you actually need to use it (i.e. you will lose if they KO a 2nd Lapras VMAX or you couldn't get a Lapras V set up first). The card's biggest advantage is being able to attack on the turn it comes into play, so having it sit around taking bench space is a waste when you could be playing Dedennes or getting backups for your Frosmoth and Lapras.

    Part 3: Other Cards

    Quagsire is another Hydro Pump user that also solves the issue of Frosmoth not being able to put energy on the opponent's Active Pokémon. Compared to playing copies of Air Balloon, Quagsire has the advantage of being searched out by Evolution Incense and Pokémon Communication, but the downsides of being a 3rd evolution line and taking up valuable bench space in a deck that finds itself quickly filling up.

    Blastoise's Powerfull Squall is an energy-accelerating option that lets you get Water Energy straight from the deck! However, the "deck cramp" is severe. A Stage 2 Pokémon already takes up more slots than a Stage 1 Pokémon. Then, due to the effect only looking at the top six cards of your deck, you have to choose between adding energy or relying on luck to hit your effect. On top of that, you're losing space for tech cards and are going to find yourself drawing Water Energy at the start of your turn instead of playable Trainers.

    Psyduck prevent the opponent from using any Trainer Cards for a turn when combined with Will to guarantee you flip heads. This is currently used in a deck revolving around Unown Hand, which tries to lock the opponent for a few turns while drawing through their entire deck to win the game.

    Cryogonal is similar to Psyduck, but it only locks Item Cards in exchange for not needing to flip a card. This won't work with the Unown Hand deck, though, as it opens them up to playing Marnie to reset your hand. Instead, it sees play paired with Dustox, which attempts to paralyze the opponent every turn and prevent them from playing Switch.

    Gyarados's Distilled Blast can hit for up to 240 damage for a single energy! But, like Blastoise, the deck rewards filling your deck with unplayable cards. Combine it with other cards that let you search out multiple non-energy cards at a time, like Alolan Vulpix and Sonia, alongside cards that let you recycle resources, like Ordinary Rod.

    Lapras is the single-prize Hydro Pump user. However, with 40 less base damage than Keldeo, who already has less base damage than Lapras VMAX, you'll struggle to reliably pick up KOs without overextending, spelling doom when they KO your Lapras in retaliation.

    Articuno's Blizzard Veil ability allows you to put up a single-prize attacker without worrying about Boss's Orders. Additionally, Cold Cyclone allows you to deal chip damage to the opponent while setting up, and moves the Energy onto the bench so that you don't lose resources when Articuno is KO'd in retaliation. If you find yourself wanting to play a slower deck that needs a bit to set up, consider adding in a couple of Articuno.

    Slowbro can deal up to 300 damage in a turn, scoring a OHKO on any Pokémon that isn't a VMAX! Just ignore the pesky 1/8 chance to lose the game, and the part where you have less than sure odds to KO even a regular non-GX Pokémon, and this card can break the game! A truly adventurous coin flipper can combine Slowbro with Seaking for additional fun. Slowpoke & Psyduck GX almost feels worth it, but until they introduce 600 HP Pokémon, Lapras VMAX can probably get you there instead.

    Blastoise GX lets you shuffle away the energy you attach with Frosmoth to deal devastating damage. Unfortunately, the need to shuffle away the energy makes it hard to keep things up, whereas Lapras VMAX maintains its energy count between turn.

    Kyurem has a rare attack that ensures paralysis. Combined with Frosmoth to recharge, it could set up a devastating lock...if it weren't for a meta in which everyone seems to be playing 4x Switch.

    Carracosta offers a weird variety of tech. It disables Pokémon tools, goes into Fighting decks instead of Water, and deals more damage against Pokémon with high retreat costs. Water hits Fire for weakness, but Fighting is not weak to Fire, so it's an odd inclusion. The ability to disable tools is actually fairly strong, shutting off pivot strategies relying on Air Balloons or U-Turn Board, among other cards. Aqua Impact as an attack isn't all that great, even within the set of cards that do more damage the higher the retreat cost goes. If this were a Basic Pokémon, I think it would see play as a tech due to its ability, but being a Stage 2 means you're dedicating too many resources to set it up.

    Tapu Fini is a tech card that sees play exclusively against Blacephalon, an Ultra Beast that it can hit for Weakness. With Blacephalon likely to get weaker with the loss of Fiery Flint, Tapu Fini will fade with it.

    Golisopod is a decent single-prize attacker, dealing 180 damage per turn. However, the ability is anti-synergy with its attack cost, and a four energy requirement means we're better off with Lapras V/MAX for damage.

    Keldeo GX is a tech card immune to other GX attacks. If your meta has less V Pokémon and more GX Pokémon, it might be worth running. Sonic Edge also allows it to ignore effects on the opponent, such as...other cards similar to Keldeo GX that have immunity from its attacks.

    Starmie GX offers you another 1-time Hydro Pump relatively comparable in power to Lapras VMAX while being on a 2-prize attacker, but requires you to dedicate slots to a third evolution line in your deck and becomes nearly useless after its GX attack.

    Greninja GX and Frogadier let you deal chip damage when they evolve. However, they're outclassed by the Galarian Obstagoon line, whose Ability is a win condition against certain decks

    Articuno GX could be slotted into a Control Deck as a powerful Energy Denial option. Like Rowlet & Alolan Exeggutor, which we talked about in the Grass Profile, this effect can win the game against decks that can't accelerate back up. Unfortunately, having access to acceleration is part of what makes a lot of the good decks good in the first place. For example, Fire would be a much weaker type without options like Welder to pump out energy.

    Glaceon GX offers the powerful ability to shut down other abilities. However, like Galarian Wheezing, the requirement to be in the active spot combined with weak attacks makes the card a lot weaker than it would otherwise be. Additionally, it only applies to Pokémon GX (no EX cards are legal in standard), meaning its use primarily comes from shutting down Dedenne GX. For a player looking for this effect, Power Plant is the better option.

    Blastoise & Piplup GX offers healing and a powerful GX attack. With relatively decent power, the card could be worth running in a meta where the 50 damage heal will often make the difference between a 2HKO and 3HKO. However, decks currently put up more immediate problems: Eternatus VMAX deals 270 with a full bench, placing a OHKO on Blastoise & Piplup and giving the opponent three prizes, and Alolan Exeggutor GX can OHKO as well due to the card's weakness to Grass.

    Black Kyurem can deal 200 damage as a 1-prize basic Pokémon, which should always draw some heads to it. The biggest difficulty is the high attack cost with no way for it to hide, as attacking ends your turn. However, if you were able to get one of these set up each turn, you would probably win the prize race. Perhaps you could try combining it with cards like Lillie's Poké Doll, setting up multiple Black Kyurem on the bench at once during the early game.

    Lapras and Seaking could be combined as the basis for an energy-denial deck, attempting to stall the opponent out of the game. Combine the effects with Boss's Orders to prevent them from setting up on the bench, and use cards like Crushing Hammer and Team Yell Grunt to further slow down their energy pace. At best, a deck like this will have polarized matchups. For example, the Boom Box deck we highlighted last time can set up for 0 Energy and then play 2 Grass Energy per turn straight from the deck. Fire decks can play Welder to drop an extra 2 Energy from their hand at once, and having Fire Energy returned to their hand can also enable a Salazzle or Ninetales.

    Mantine can grab 3 water energy from the deck, letting you set up with Frosmoth the next turn. If you squint, this card is basically Flare Starter Volcanion... as long as you have Frosmoth out... and they don't use Boss's Orders to KO out... and they don't play Marnie or Reset Stamp... and you ignore the second attack being weaker. When it does work, it could be pretty good. Perhaps this could be played in a version of the deck designed to go second.

    Drizzile and Inteleon form a Trainer search engine that can be useful in decks that have the extra bench space. Inteleon's effect to get two items is the same as the powerful supporter card Green's Exploration, except it doesn't mind if you have Pokémon with Abilities in play. Being able to search for any Trainer is a strong effect, as it lets you get Supporters to unbrick hands as well as tech for specific matchups. However, a heavy line of these cards may restrict how many tech cards you're actually able to run, and a thin line of these cards can lead to difficulty evolving them. Against decks without Energy acceleration, Hydro Snipe can be a good attack, assuming you get set up first. It won't do much if they're able to just re-attach the energy next turn and attack. The same notes about energy control can apply to Inteleon VMAX, but Max Bullet's bench sniping effect makes it a viable card, as 60 (Max Bullet) + 10 (Galarian Zigzagoon) can pick up KOs against non-GX support Pokémon like Jirachi and opposing Zigzagoon.

    Mr. Rime prevents any secondary effects of attacks, making you immune 0to status conditions and the like. With Frosmoth, it shouldn't be difficult to get one energy per Pokémon. If you find yourself building a deck countered by a certain effect, you could try out this card--theoretically, it can work outside of Water, too.

    Milotic V can be used in decks that combine the retreat-increasing effects of Galar Mine and Absol. With just these two cards, Milotic is dealing 160 damage, but most Pokémon have a retreat cost of 2 or 3 by default, as well, meaning Milotic doesn't have problems picking up KOs. As a basic, it can attack the turn it comes in if you have Frosmoth set up, or, if you're going a cheeky route, you could even use Welder to pay the colorless portion of the attack, combining it with a manual Water attach to get running in one turn. Twin Energy won't work, though, as it is a Pokémon V.

    Seismitoad can deal 240 damage, but it requires a lot of set-up due to its 4-energy cost, the reliance on gettnig a Stage 2 into play, and then additional reliance on another support Pokémon to confuse the opponent first. The deck is likely just too slow and inconsistent to justify it, despite being a single-prize attacker.

    Vanilluxe (Unreleased) can combo with Air Balloon to attempt to Paralyze the opponent and then switch out. You could run Will to guarantee the success, but it is a large payoff for little reward given the popularity of Switch in the format.

    Drednaw VMAX (Unreleased) has 320 HP, plus an ability that reduces damage by 30. With functionally 350 HP (or 380, as a OHKO will be very rare), Drednaw VMAX is the tankiest VMAX yet, with natural HP capping out at 340. At 160 damage for its attack, it picks up 2HKOs on most Pokémon, unless they are opposing VMAX with high HP. However, the attack flips a coin, and deals 240 damage instead on a heads. A ton of KOs are picked up in that range, so much so that running Will or Glimwood Tangle to increase your odds may be worth the slot. Most notably, Pikachu & Zekrom GX has 240 HP, while many support Pokémon like Crobat V and Zacian V sit between 160 and 240.

    Part 4: Conclusion

    One thing you might have noticed about this deck spotlight was that we didn't include any unreleased cards! If you like Water Types, you can start building and playing with the deck right now. It doesn't gain much in new support from the next set, but it isn't losing much to rotation, meaning it will become stronger relative to the meta automatically as other decks lose key cards.

    As always, if you have anything you think I missed or want to share a deck list, leave a comment! I appreciate all of the support I've gotten so far!

    Next time, we'll be tackling the Fire Type! Until then, smell ya later!

    submitted by /u/Hylaster
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    Bunch of codes

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:43 AM PDT

    Had these sitting here for years, went to throw them away, figure I'd help somebody.

    Mostly XY Evolution and Sun&Moon.

    Hopefully 1 person doesn't get them all.


























































































































    submitted by /u/sbgooner
    [link] [comments]

    Who are those Pokemon? (Code Giveaway)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:56 PM PDT

    2 CODES LEFT! HINT: All answers are in alphabetical order. It helps to check previous answers!



    Hey gang!

    Can you guess the mystery Pokemon from one of the images below? Each is a snip from the first image on Bulbapedia for the Pokemon; they have not been modified beyond cropping.

    Mystery Pokemon #1

    Falinks, as guessed by Whaaaaales

    Mystery Pokemon #2

    Mystery Pokemon #3

    Mystery Pokemon #4

    Jigglypuff, as guessed by Pineapple-Sundae

    Mystery Pokemon #5

    Pancham, as guessed by DeftGreymon

    CLAIMED BY WHAAAAALES: The first correct answer of any Pokemon earns a Shining Legends - Raichu GX Collection code and a Shining Legends pack code.

    The other four answers each earn one Shining Legends pack code. I'll confirm and deny guesses, and update the post as answers are guessed!

    submitted by /u/iwearasizeseventeen
    [link] [comments]

    Help finding cards

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 06:18 AM PDT

    Hello everyone hope your day is awesome. I need some help please! I need to know what boosters hold the vaulkner cards and the battle compressor please.


    submitted by /u/lyquidflows
    [link] [comments]

    Looking for the sleeves with the scratches in them.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 01:59 AM PDT

    AS the title states, I'm looking for specific sleeves. IDK the name, but it seems pretty rare. To be exact, they look like a 3 toed claw scratched the back of the sleeve. They look edgy and I want to flex on my 13 year old nephew.

    submitted by /u/BDD997
    [link] [comments]

    Do you think that crobat v will be worth as much as shaymin or dedennne?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    Two rcl codes

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 04:31 PM PDT

    People disconnecting constantly

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 07:16 PM PDT

    Hey, so I just got back into this and I'm trying to play real people. It keeps connecting me to the same handful of people who only stay as long as it takes to put down the first cards, at most, and then they disappear and I win automatically. This has happened to me seven times now. Not a single person has stayed long enough to do anything. Is there something wrong with the game? What's going on?

    submitted by /u/bluecrowned
    [link] [comments]

    10 Codes Giveaway

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:51 PM PDT

    EDIT: All codes are now gone. Have a good one anyways

    submitted by /u/FeelingAirport
    [link] [comments]

    My account randomly got some packs?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    Hi, I just started playing yesterday, and today when I logged in I got a message saying I've received some products. I got 1 cosmic eclipse, 1 unified minds, and 3 swsh base. They are all trade locked. Where did these come from? Thanks for the help

    submitted by /u/gchang21
    [link] [comments]

    Is anyone interested? Just started yesterday

    Posted: 25 Jun 2020 12:38 AM PDT

    Where'd my account go

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 01:23 PM PDT

    I'm sorry if this had been asked already but all my searches has returned Pokemon Go results. Are inactive TCGO accounts getting deleted? I had a killer Delphox deck and logged in for the first time in a while to blast some fools only to find none of my account information was recognized anymore, even in password/username recovery.

    submitted by /u/GooberKing88
    [link] [comments]

    What first standard deck should I make?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:51 PM PDT

    So I have been playing both the battle league decks, reshizard and pikarom but want to make a standard deck myself, any advise on what to go for. I have 96 packs of rebel clash and already have two dedenne. Thanks in advance guys.

    submitted by /u/evildrpork
    [link] [comments]

    Does anyone know somebody in the community trusted that sells TCGO codes

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 02:59 PM PDT

    Hey y'all im a new player to the TCGO and was wondering does anyone know someone trusted in the pokemon community that sells bulk TCGO codes

    submitted by /u/JJJYT2010BOI
    [link] [comments]

    Deck Help - Rebel Clash Scizor Trainer Recycling

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    I've never made any deck like this before, and I have no idea if it would actually be able to recycle trainers properly, or even then, if it would be able to do sufficient damage. Any suggestions?

    Deck List (Picture is Below)

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

    ##Pokémon - 21

    * 1 Scyther CES 4

    * 3 Scyther RCL 4

    * 3 Scizor RCL 128

    * 1 Shieldon UPR 84

    * 1 Bastiodon UPR 85

    * 1 Sobble SSH 54

    * 3 Sobble SSH 55

    * 4 Drizzile SSH 56

    * 4 Inteleon SSH 58

    ##Trainer Cards - 32

    * 4 Molayne UNB 181

    * 2 Will CEC 208

    * 4 Evolution Incense SSH 163

    * 3 Mt. Coronet UPR 130

    * 4 Metal Core Barrier UNB 180

    * 4 Super Scoop Up CES 146

    * 1 Unidentified Fossil UNM 210

    * 3 Quick Ball SSH 179

    * 4 Scoop Up Net RCL 165

    * 1 Pal Pad SSH 172

    * 2 Lana's Fishing Rod CEC 195

    ##Energy - 7

    * 7 Metal Energy SMEnergy 8

    Total Cards - 60

    ****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******



    submitted by /u/Rosh_Posh
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 09:01 AM PDT

    Another pack I got for my birthday. Have fun with this one

    submitted by /u/joriskmm
    [link] [comments]

    Best time to sell Shaymins?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 11:20 AM PDT

    I have 4 Shaymin and am wondering when yall think will be the best time to sell them?

    submitted by /u/SippingSprite
    [link] [comments]

    Next Move??

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 12:27 PM PDT

    So I'm a new player and have gotten to 500 coins. With that I was wondering what I should with them? Do I buy a new deck or do I save up? I already own relentless flame and soaring storms so i am bit unsure abt getting decks. Idk abt opening packs Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    submitted by /u/BrhmS
    [link] [comments]

    Can I improve this deck?

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:06 AM PDT

    This Malamar/Giratina Standard Deck is my first and only deck I built.

    I'm a beginner, so initially I used 4x Audino instead of Jirachi due to the high cost.

    Yesterday I noticed Jirachi's value has dropped,so I got 2 of themi for 9 packs (hope it's a decent deal).

    Now I have 2x Audino and 2x Jirachi, and basically I don't know if I should get 4x Jirachi or do something else with the remaining packs.

    I got 14 packs left (7 Sword and Shield) so I could get another 2 Jirachi.

    What would you do?

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

    ##Pokémon - 20

    * 2 Audino UNM 177

    * 2 Jirachi TEU 99

    * 1 Blacephalon CEC 104

    * 1 Espurr UNB 79

    * 2 Giratina LOT 97

    * 4 Inkay FLI 50

    * 1 Latios-GX UNM 78

    * 1 Mew UNB 76

    * 1 Mimikyu GRI 58

    * 1 Solgaleo & Lunala-GX CEC 75

    * 4 Malamar FLI 51

    ##Trainer Cards - 31

    * 4 Spell Tag LOT 190

    * 4 Mysterious Treasure FLI 113

    * 2 Viridian Forest TEU 156

    * 4 Quick Ball SSH 179

    * 1 Boss's Orders RCL 200

    * 3 Acro Bike PRC 122

    * 3 Cynthia UPR 119

    * 1 Marnie SSH 169

    * 1 Lana's Fishing Rod CEC 195

    * 3 Professor's Research SSH 178

    * 3 Switch BCR 135

    * 2 U-Turn Board UNM 211

    ##Energy - 9

    * 9 Psychic Energy Energy 5

    Total Cards - 60

    ****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

    submitted by /u/e2e4se
    [link] [comments]

    Old player needs tips on which theme deck buy (or really any good advice at all)

    Posted: 24 Jun 2020 10:51 AM PDT

    I used to play a lot back in 2016, after 4 years I tried to get back in the game but I can't win any game (my at-the-time-standard decks went in extended also some cards got banned) not even theme deck matches cause I got rusty and mostly old theme decks suck compared to the new ones.

    So after 20 losses or so in a row, I decided that the best thing to do was grind 500coins and buy a good theme deck, and hopefully win some tournaments to get packs.

    Now I stopped playing before GX even came out so my knowledge is very limited and I really need some good advice on which theme deck buy, I'm in your hands.

    submitted by /u/DZMV
    [link] [comments]

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