• Breaking News

    Friday, March 27, 2020

    Pokémon TCG Announcement: Partnering With /r/ptcgoleague To Be Our Official Tournament Sub-Reddit!

    Pokémon TCG Announcement: Partnering With /r/ptcgoleague To Be Our Official Tournament Sub-Reddit!

    Announcement: Partnering With /r/ptcgoleague To Be Our Official Tournament Sub-Reddit!

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:13 PM PDT

    Hello everyone!

    For the last few months, donated codes have been scarce, so we started to reach out to you all in several ways over the last few months about how we should move forward to best benefit the community, and the desire of wanting to partake in sub-reddit tournaments.

    We held a poll a few months ago asking if users would be ok with bringing on a sponsor to help fund future tournaments, and the overall majority voted yes, that would be a good move to make.

    I, OU7C4ST, personally work with the team at www.CardCavernTradingCards.com, and knew they would be a reliable sponsor that would help us out, and would be as professional as possible in all scenarios if we brought them on here to be the sponsor for all future tournaments. It was a no brainer to reach out to them first, and they agreed to be /r/ptcgo & /r/ptcgoleague's official sponsor.

    So this is great news as now we have a stable supply of codes, almost always being from the newest set, to be distributed to the Tournament Sub-Reddit winners for all future tournaments. The current plan is to have 2 Tournaments a month!

    The few codes we have here on /r/ptcgo that have been donated, will be converted to the newest packs, and then used in future contests we'll be having. (Drawing, Create-A-Unique-Card w/ custom attacks, etc., Guess a #, where we will live-stream a rolling of the number to show transparency, and more!)

    The owner, and Tournament Organizer of /r/ptcgoleague, /u/rabidragon has been a pleasure to reach out to, and facilitate this partnership with, and many of you have already partook in many of his custom tournaments already. He's a great TO, and I believe he will come up with many great tournaments for you all to partake in going forward!

    We've been in discussions the last couple of weeks, and really wanted to come to a conclusion that would work out for everybody here on the subreddit. We understand with many of you being quarantined due to COVID-19, and wanting sub-reddit tournaments for awhile now regardless, we sped up getting this put together. We're extremely happy we are able to provide this for all players, and give them more to do in the Pokemon TCG Community!

    Thanks for your time, and especially your patience!

    submitted by /u/OU7C4ST
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    Codes! :)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    Hello everyone! :)

    I have 20x Shining Legends, 36x Hidden Fates, 3x Charizard GX Tin, 3x Gyarados GX Tin & 3x Raichu GX Tin codes to give away.

    Please send me a message with which code you would like, 1 code per person. :) If you reply here instead of sending me a message then you might not get a code.

    All gone! Stay safe everyone! :)

    submitted by /u/Shobuffle
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    Has this been happening to anyone else? Been occuring for the past few days and it's getting annoying

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:27 AM PDT

    I decided to remake an old theme deck from the 90s and it's working out pretty well. Anyone wanna try it?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 06:23 PM PDT

    Code Giveaway - Pick a number between 0-894

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:00 AM PDT

    Edit: Contest over and That was fast! The answer was 59 for Arcanine! The first person to guess it and the winner of the 10x codes is u/Panini_al_vapore

    Hey guys,

    I hope you all are staying safe and healthy. I have a bunch of codes I thought about redeeming but I don't play online anymore so I figure it's best to give them to y'all. I used to play Rocket League and have given away items like this before. I have a lot so depending how this one goes determines when I do the next one

    For this first one I will use the number of my favorite Pokemon, and you just have to guess that number. (Between 0 and 894)

    If it is not guessed today I will give a hint tomorrow.

    I will direct message the codes, which I am positive are not redeemed yet, to the first person to guess it.

    They are:

    5x Unified Minds and 5x Unbroken Bonds

    Thanks guys and good luck!

    submitted by /u/TanClark
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    Destiny Stinger/Frozen City Deck?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 09:46 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I was recently playing and got completely stomped by someone running a deck with Destiny Stinger Beedrill and the Frozen City stadium card. He used his Kakuna to stack his bench with other Kakunas, then evolved them all to Beedrills. Beedrill's first attack, Destiny Stinger, knocks out both Active Pokemon instantly if the Beedrill has any damage counters attached. Frozen City puts 2 damage counters on a Pokemon if you attach an energy to it. So, as soon as I had my fully setup GX in the Active Slot, he simply attached a Leaf energy to Beedrill, giving it the 2 damage counters. Then, he used Destiny Stinger to knock both out at once. Needless to say, I was completely rolled by this deck. I couldn't manage to grab his decklist, but I am really interested in finding a good deck for this strategy. If you have one that is good, or any suggestions, please let me know. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/intelligentwalnut
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    I want to shift to standard and for that can anyone recommend a cheap but viable deck that I could try?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:48 AM PDT

    Recommended theme deck for tournaments

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:28 AM PDT

    I only ever run expanded but with theme deck tournaments half the tickets online I want to start running them, I'd love some recommendations or any codes for theme decks try :)

    submitted by /u/Wazzwatson
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    Budget decks?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    I'm a f2p player and already build a nuzzle deck and had fun playing it. Now I saved up 30 SSH packs and want to try a new deck. (In standard format) Any recommendations? Let me know )

    PS: I also have 1 untradeable Jirachi TEU 99, mby I can use it?

    submitted by /u/MrYakisoba
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    Fairy deck help

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 07:25 AM PDT

    I made a standard fairy deck with the cards I had. Any suggestions? I think I might need more draw support?

    submitted by /u/TheBenRhodes
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    I need help

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:52 AM PDT

    I made an account a very long time ago with litterally nothing on it and i dont remember username or password is there any way to reset?

    submitted by /u/Lucid_Night
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    My Decks and Looking for Friends

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 06:47 AM PDT

    Just got into ptcgo. I collected cards when I was a kiddo and at some point I had the tcg for gameboy where I builded some really nice decks. Now due to Corona isolation I got into ptcgo, and I'm loving it. I have finished two custom decks so far and have got two in the making. I'm looking for people to regularly play against, so we can figure out the versatility of our decks together and maybe help each other to complete our collections. My finished decks are:

    Hyper Conductors:

    A deck centered around Stage 1 Electro Pokemon, and Thunderus and Tornados for the early game. Raichu is the one with x20 for each of your bench Pokémon, so I'd love to have antother 1-2 Sky Fields. The only other cards missing to complete that deck would be a second or third Thunderus. The only Stage 2 Pokémon in this Deck is Mangesphere. I figured the main problem with this deck is to get energy down. To strike effectively you usually need 3 energy cards on your S1 Pkmn. Another nice thing about this deck is appart from Thunderus and Tornados all Pkmn have <=90 hp, which means you can pick them up by level ball.

    First strike:

    This is pretty much a "I don't need to evolve shit, and rip your deck appart before you can even set up" deck. Just plain annoying. To make things worse, I also added 4 judges + whistle.

    IS there anything more statisfying than watching your opponent stuffing energy into a basic pkmn and then just make him throw away that evolution card before he can threaten you? Equally funny: Enemy is completely energy starved. Playes skill draw 3 energy, instead of attacking. - Na, you throw them away and take 4 different. I know, me evil.

    In Progress:

    Nuzzle Nut Electro Torture

    Easy concept: Build around Emolga, Pikatchu, Raichu (Dedenne) from (SMCE, SMUM). All these Pokemon have the nuzzle attack and Emolga can call pkmn with this attack on the bench. So this Deck should come together really quick and than Electro torture the enemies hand and bench. Probably also gona add Thund/Torna combo for early lolz.

    Neuro Toxcicity

    Build upon the "Green Tornado" Deck, this is going to be my Drain, Confuse and poison deck. I just started collecting, so right now the Deck is pretty vanilla. I'm planning on adding some more poisonous bugs like Ariados, Dustox, Venomoth and I don't like Musharna so much and I think I'm going to replace 'em with some psy-pkmn that can confuse and preferably also poison, koffin or smth. Also all the white pkmn have to go (kill all the white men!) and be replaced by some solid <100 hp basic pkmn, so I can start more stable.

    (if you want I can post the lists for the first 2 decks, playing on linux game crashes if I tap out :D )

    Edit: Forgot a placeholder

    submitted by /u/FooBarZisch
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    Any suggestions? I’ve been doing well but I would like the opinions of Redditors.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:31 PM PDT

    Milotic v is getting a lot hype, but is anyone hype for malmar vmax?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2020 12:45 AM PDT

    This card stats are pretty bad compared to most vmax, 310hp and three energy 180 but its attack has two major positives. One it's not random, which means if they only have one out in there hand it's gone 100 percent of the time. Second it doesnt shuffle. So if they dont have a zacian or a jirachi on the bench they are just stuck with what they have on the field essentially if you play chip chip axe or orbeetle. I feel like this is as close to a degenerative deck as were going to get for standard.

    submitted by /u/FairyFireDeck
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    Can someone help me with this error?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 09:27 PM PDT

    It is literally impossible to beat zacian with malamar.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 08:51 PM PDT

    I pull off clear vision on my turn 1 to stop his altered creation. This guys Marnie's into a switch, energy switch, and God damn rainbow brush to knock out latios on his turn 2. With metal frying pans you are not 1HKO zacian with mimikyu as the "pros" are saying. That deck is ridiculous. And this isn't a 1 time thing. They hit their metal saucers exactly when they need it, switch whenever. The deck is too OP. If you can't beat them, join them. Play zacian and I am now on a 10 game win streak. This can't be good for the game when 1 deck just runs through everything.

    submitted by /u/dgod40
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    Is gardeon still viable in the meta? If so then can someone send me the decklist?

    Posted: 26 Mar 2020 05:51 PM PDT

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