• Breaking News

    Saturday, April 17, 2021

    Pokémon TCG I see so much ADP on the expanded ladder that I've started including one copy of Ranger in every deck. It's so much fun to see their Altered Creation disappear.

    Pokémon TCG I see so much ADP on the expanded ladder that I've started including one copy of Ranger in every deck. It's so much fun to see their Altered Creation disappear.

    I see so much ADP on the expanded ladder that I've started including one copy of Ranger in every deck. It's so much fun to see their Altered Creation disappear.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:52 PM PDT

    Eternatus VMAX-Spiritomb Deck? Beginner Looking for a Future Proof Deck

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 07:43 AM PDT

    Hey! So I'm petty new to PCTGO and I'm looking for a "meta" deck to build. I already have a Mad Party Deck that I'm enjoying, but I want to build one more that I'd like to learn for the next few months.

    Originally, I really wanted to make a Spiritomb deck, but then I realized it will be rotating out in a few months, so maybe investing on that isn't the best. That, or maybe I can still have fun with Spiritomb, but maybe not make it the only thing i build around?

    I don't really have a lot of money so I can't just try a lot of different decks, and I also don't want to build something that can't be used in Standard after August. I want something longevity, can be fun to use, and can be adapted and change with the times when new sets come out. That it may take a while for me to build a deck, so one that'll last is needed.

    So after sometime, I settled on Eternatus VMAX.

    So I'm here asking if anyone knows of any good Eternatus VMAX decks that also run a Spiritomb side to it? Or if that's too weird (I'm just beginner so maybe it really doesn't work) maybe just some fun Eternatus VMAX decks?

    I found a few on YouTube (like the Zach Lesage Eternatus Deck) but i wanted to try asking here anyways.


    tl;dr: Anyone got any cool Eternatus-Spritiomb Decks, or just interesting Eternatus Decks in general a beginner like me can try out and learn?

    submitted by /u/chungkingexcess
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    SR item project finished. Took a while!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:44 PM PDT

    This one was a struggle to finish. Much fewer cards than the FA supporter project which I posted recently, but harder to obtain (and more expensive). The older ones in particular are ROUGH to trade for. Finally got it done! On to the next project!


    submitted by /u/Aquarius1975
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    Eternatus VMAX with tool jammer

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:28 AM PDT

    I previously posted lists for Salamence VMAX-Bronzong and 'Budget Bats' which are definitely tier three/'rogue'. So I thought I would mix it up with something that is more meta- probably straight up tier one. So I am posting a list for Eternatus VMAX with tool jammer. Tool jammer is a card I really liked the look of when I first saw it, but a lot of people dismissed it. I think people are coming round to it now, and I believe it \really* works in Eternatus VMAX. This writeup is going to be a bit more straightforward than my others, since this is a well-known deck. I will focus more on the particular build and how well tool jammer works.*

    1. Deck List

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

    ##Pokémon - 18

    * 4 Crobat V DAA 104

    * 4 Eternatus V DAA 116

    * 3 Galarian Zigzagoon SSH 117

    * 3 Yveltal TEU 95

    * 4 Eternatus VMAX DAA 192

    ##Trainer Cards - 32

    * 2 Tool Jammer BST 136

    * 4 Crushing Hammer EPO 92

    * 2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152

    * 4 Switch ROS 91

    * 4 Quick Ball SSH 179

    * 1 Chaotic Swell CEC 187

    * 4 Professor's Research SSH 178

    * 4 Great Ball SSH 164

    * 4 Marnie SSH 169

    * 3 Boss's Orders RCL 154

    ##Energy - 10

    * 8 Darkness Energy XYEnergy 1

    * 2 Weakness Guard Energy UNM 213

    Total Cards - 60

    ****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

    2. Deck concept and play style

    Okay, so this is a deck that everyone knows. But just in case.... Eternatus VMAX is a BEAST- its 'Dread End' attack does 30 damage for each of your dark Pokemon in play and its eternal zone ability increases your bench size to 8 as long as you have only dark Pokemon in play. So that means you max out at 9 Pokemon- 9x30 = 270HP, which 1HKOs every Tag Team except ADP. It's got 340HP and Dread End needs only 2 energy to attack. It's actually pretty nuts.

    People have been doing lots of different versions of this deck but over the last month or so I think people have really nailed this deck and come up with a super consistent build- no poison, Zigzagoon but no scoop up nets, no fancy stadiums, (just one Chaotic Swell), 4 Switch, and a pretty thick line of Yveltal. Yveltal turns out to be *really* helpful because it has free retreat, it can 1HKO Sinistea and Polteageist and so is good against Mad Party, and has the 'derail attack' that does 30 and discards a special energy which can be good in a lot of situations.

    This list is based on one of the current super-consistent builds, but cuts a couple of cards for two Tool Jammer. Tool Jammer does this:

    As long as the Pokémon this card is attached to is in the Active Spot, Pokémon Tools attached to your opponent's Active Pokémon have no effect, except for Tool Jammer.

    Why is this good? Two main reasons:

    • Everyone is playing Big Charm with Tag Team GX decks. So they are putting Big Charm on ADP, Mew & Mewtwo GX and Reshizard GX. Big Charm moves Mew & Mewtwo to 300HP which puts it out of 1HKO range, and that basically messes up this deck. Really the best thing about it is how god it is aganst Tag Team decks. Tool Jammer just cuts that out. It's beautiful.
    • Air Balloon is *really* popular. Yes, people still play Switch and Escape rope, but they don't always have it to hand, and even if they do it can be good to make them burn one instead of getting a free retreat. Air Balloon can be really important for some decks, e.g. for decks that use Zacian it's often really important to be able to free retreat the turn after you did Brave Blade so you can reset your attack.

    Tool Jammer also has some nice niche uses too. It will mess up Spiritomb, which is now a good and popular deck. It will block Lucky Eggs from working, which are used in one or two decks. Stealthy Hood will block your Zigzagoon from working- but if the thing with Hood is in the active, Tool Jammer will block it.

    In terms of play, you obviously want to get a Tool Jammer on Eternatus, but it's also good to have one on Yveltal in case you have to leave Yveltal in the active. This will mess up their balloons and disrupt a few other things.

    3. Comments on the build

    I started off with this list running only one Jammer, but I moved to two so that I can find it consistently and to deal with prizing.

    I don't think there is room for a ton of changes to this list, unless you want to make a major change like dropping Hammers. There might be an argument for using Turbo Patch instead of Hammers, because it might be better against Pikarom. Pikarom is a tough matchup because it runs so much energy distruption these days (Hammers, Fan of Waves, sometimes Yell Grunt), and your own Hammers won't work that well on Pikarom because it just accelerates so much energy. Hitting a Turbo Patch head and an attachment could mean fully powering up an Eternatus VMAX in one turn, and getting off a Dread End before they can take away all your energy in their turn.

    The deck has a problem with Zamazenta and Decidueye, so a few people are now playing Phoebe in the deck, which lets VMAX Pokemon hit through all effects on the defending Pokemon. But to find Phoebe consistently you probably want a couple of copies *and* something like Pal Pad to shuffle it back in. If you did this you'd probably have to use your Hammer slots for that. I think for competitive Pokemon you probably don't need it- there are enough people running Pheoebe right now that I suspect that Zam and Decidueye are going to be scared off for a while. But on the PTCGO ladder and in normal tournaments it's not a bad idea to use this approach at all as the range of decks you come across there is quite a bit wider and people aren't as 'on meta'.

    Anyway, that's the list! Next time I will be back with something a bit more 'rogue'.

    submitted by /u/JauntyAngle
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    Thank you kind stranger for not being like other, stalling "players"

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 01:07 PM PDT

    Which booster pack/s offer the best variety of trainers and poke's as of right now?

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 02:48 AM PDT

    I've scanned through a few and I still can't decide what to buy.
    edit: I didn't specify that I'm buying form the ptcgo store using coins. My bad, I'm sorry.

    submitted by /u/Kurisoooooo
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    Giving away a couple cards

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    I just realized I have 4 extra Quick Balls and 4 extra Welders, so if anyone needs help getting those cards let me know in the comments so I can get them to your account!

    submitted by /u/a_half-good_username
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    these might be taken some might not be but let me know if they don’t work so i can throw them out, if they work then awesome!!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:18 PM PDT

    37x Code Cards (6-7 years old, various packs)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 11:36 AM PDT

    Comment your favorite Pokémon from Gen1 and I'll DM you a code. I don't play PTCGO.

    EDIT: All codes have been given out. Have fun!

    submitted by /u/ApocRising
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    Most hated card?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    I have an uncontrollable bordering on psychotic hatred for Marnie. It's honestly the most irritating card in the world to me, more so than any other card I think I've ever faced. I think mostly it's because I play a deck which relies on me being able to put Top Entry Lampent on top of my deck and then hoard trainers in my hand but it just really grinds my gears. What annoys me the most is that the decks that tend to use it do not need it and the added disruption to me is just a happy accident. It always tends to be ADP or similar decks and they have a million options for getting the right cards into their hand, completely ruining any possible chance at a defence for me is just a bonus.

    Anyway, what's your most hated card and why?

    submitted by /u/Super-Fall-5768
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    Fairy Deck for challenges

    Posted: 17 Apr 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    Hi swarm intelligence!
    Is there a (at least a little) competitive fairy deck right now in standard or expanded, so I can perhaps level up in PTCGO once I get some missions?
    If you could just point me in the right direction, that would be much appreciated!

    submitted by /u/Sp4st1_
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    Moving and don't play TCG online, please share.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    I have a math question.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    If you have 10 cards left in your deck, 3 of which are energy, and then you run professor research. What are the odds of not hitting one of those 3 cards?

    submitted by /u/dgod40
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    Sky Legends? Now?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:09 PM PDT

    What the heck is up with legendary bird trio decks on the ladder? Up until now, I've played against one in my whole time on ptcgo, and just this week I've played against three. Is it a meme? Some new challenge I don't know about? Like why are people trying this now when bench barrier mew is in every deck? I feel like Gretchen in Mean Girls: "Stop trying to make Sky Legends a Thing. It's not going to happen!"

    Anybody else run into bird trio or know what's happening?

    submitted by /u/carriager
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    First Deck I've Built Without A Guide

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 09:53 AM PDT

    How are they use HIRAGANA for Screen Name?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 07:11 PM PDT

    Phoebe supporter question

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 06:15 PM PDT

    So im quite new to tcgo and i was wanting to know does phoebe effect special energy cards attached to pokemon? Example would be a Draga Vmax with horror energy, if i phoebe, will it disable the horror energy?

    Like i said im new so i dont understand the wording sometimes and what does and does not apply.

    Can someone help.me understand?

    submitted by /u/Mrtowelie69
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    XY era codes

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    I just bought myself some irl cards, and the seller sent me 10 xy codes as a gift, well i have tons of it in my account, that i was not able to tradeaway due its low marker value.

    But here it goes.

    • NA8-3QVM-MUB-QQY
    • 786-TJ7H-HD3-J8K
    • WKX-MC3A-6V8-UWV
    • 449-HTAF-GFS-8XM
    • VQ4-68B3-E9A-BNP
    • 6KY-DP9N-XLR-GG6
    • WBD-QUXG-V95-EGF
    • N39-VWXV-UVT-Q8X
    submitted by /u/Kitchen-Cycle4105
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    Can someone help me improve my blastoise/articuno deck? (expanded)

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 02:00 PM PDT

    I have BST packs and a good collection of cards so if I need to grab anything it shouldn't be too much of a problem! Thank you for your help :)

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

    ##Pokémon - 19

    * 1 Dedenne-GX UNB 195

    * 1 Mew PR-SM 215

    * 3 Articuno TEU 32

    * 1 Articuno-GX CES 154

    * 1 Blastoise & Piplup-GX CEC 214

    * 1 Palkia-GX FLI 119

    * 2 Squirtle BCR 29

    * 2 Squirtle UNB 33

    * 2 Wartortle UNB 34

    * 3 Blastoise TEU 25

    * 2 Blastoise-GX PR-SM 189

    ##Trainer Cards - 29

    * 3 Professor Sycamore STS 114

    * 1 Pokémon Communication TEU 152

    * 2 Switch EVO 88

    * 2 Evolution Incense SSH 163

    * 1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171

    * 4 Quick Ball SSH 179

    * 1 Big Charm SSH 158

    * 4 Rare Candy SSH 180

    * 4 Cynthia UPR 119

    * 1 Energy Recycler GRI 123

    * 2 Air Balloon SSH 156

    * 1 Rosa CEC 204

    * 1 Nessa VIV 196

    * 2 Boss's Orders RCL 154

    ##Energy - 12

    * 11 Water Energy SMEnergy 3

    * 1 Wash {W} Energy VIV 165

    Total Cards - 60

    ****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******

    submitted by /u/Atlas_Sun
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    Trying to combine urhisfu and coalossal to make the ultimate fighting deck

    Posted: 16 Apr 2021 05:12 PM PDT

    I like to try and build decks myself and I'm trying to make coalossal and urshifu coexist. I'm doing ok, but I'm about 50% on my wins.

    I have 2 coalossal VMAX, 2 RAPID URSHIFU and 2 SINGLE URSHIFU, 2 oranguru and a Crobat V.

    I added the single strike scroll to throw on urshifu single and I have air balloons and switches galore. I love Rapid Strike urshifu, but I just think the thought of playing both is fun.

    I feel like I don't know what trainers I should use. I have some marnie(I hate it) and prof research. Sonia gets me my energy if I need it or gets Pokémon so I like her. Any suggestions on how to improve, make more viable? Thanks y'all

    submitted by /u/Dbotworld
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